Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Purpose of Life


The Purpose Of Life:

To Love And To Create: The Meaning Of Life Is Found By Expressing Love Through Creativity

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here on this tiny planet amidst the immense vastness of the Universe? Can our lives have significance and meaning?

To these questions, I never found a remotely satisfactory answer in everything I read or heard. Many of the purported answers to those questions from philosophers and physicists such as life is “absurd" or “pointless”, I could not accept. I just look around and see the intrinsic, magnificent beauty of the earth and the infinite wonder of the Universe and know there is an answer befitting the splendour around us. It is simply illogical to believe that, against all odds, we are born here amongst such awe to just suffer or meander through a meaningless and pointless existence.

The many wonders and inspirations such as the pure love that is a newborn baby or the exquisite beauty of a single rose provide touchstones to intriguing answers.

In this book, I explore love, creativity, tragedy, and paradoxes to understand the purpose and meaning of life.

I looked to the Universe, quantum physics, philosophers, religious leaders, artists, actors, writers, scientists and some seemingly everyday people with extraordinary insights.

Digging below the surface, illuminating consensuses and insights emerged even from the dourest of philosophers and scientists.

I crafted this book to challenge a great deal of conventional thinking about what we think about life, love, creativity, and tragedy but also to ultimately get answers to the questions of the purpose and meaning of life for myself. With the goal that I could then take the answers and incorporate them into my day-to-day life to feel more fulfilled and be a better person. And conversely not lay awake worrying about life rushing past me and dying unfulfilled.

For me, this book did that. Did it solve all my problems? Absolutely not, but like paradoxes I can accept and embrace my problems as I work through them with love and creativity. And I sleep better at night.

Click here to get The Purpose of Life on Amazon Kindle

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