Sunday, December 11, 2022

After It All, I’ll Just Say This … Poetry for Moments


In every moment, there are thousands of details that define it.

Every one of these details are born of elements of love, pain, anger, faith, hopelessness, stamina, and struggle. It is these that etch the moment into our lives.

Jordan Thiel finds these details and flushes them out. Born of times both experienced and observed, he takes the journey with you that each breath, each heartbeat, leads to. Utilizing Lyric, Blank Verse, Free Verse poetry, Thiel gives you many flavors to taste, on a wide variety of topics, such as loneliness, remorse, sex, pets, children, goals, modern issues, and women.

This is a different poetry. In the writing styles comparable to Walt Whitman, Bram Stoker, Charles Dickens, Vladimir Nabokov, Arthur Conan Doyle, Anne Rice, and even William Shakespeare, these poems are not the academic, modern prose of journals and high society. These are poems of tragedy, trials, tirades, cancer, desire, loss, and overcoming all with a relatable touch for everyone. You’ll face uncomfortable truths and will contemplate and rise above them as you read. Thiel places each scene in front of you, shows you what he finds, and lets you wander to make that time your own. In all, the message to simply be, continue, and overcome will give you strength and joy to work for a moment better than this one that grips you now.

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